Tuesday, May 20, 2014

To all people out there who have ever been accused, abused, and sent to jail and was innocent. Below is my story in Florida. I have had my docket call and jury selection this week already. My trial is May 28, 2014 to answer for the disorderly conduct and resisting arrest fighting for my rights that I have explained below. My lawyer told me the state statute they are using for these charges, the federal statutes superior the states and even though I cursed because I was upset, I am protected under free speech and should not even try me. He feels there are people of power behind this. If they can convict me, it would make it harder for me to get justice for aiding my accusers and putting me in jail for the first time in my life, creating false imprisonment and personal injury.

If I lose this case and are found guilty, they could come for me in Elmira, New York and my life will be on the line for I am unsure what they may do or make up on the way back. They may want to continue where they left off and not allow me to go to the bathroom, receive medical care or worse injury or kill me claiming I tried to escape. I receive SSI/SSD and a person can not be in jail for more than 30 days and I would lose the above; as well as, my H.U.D. rental help I get a month. I/we can not let this happen. My attorney told me he can represent me better if I was there in person, but also thinks I should stay in NY. Please note that Mrs. Tobias from the Jacksonville H.U.D. office looked the other way when I told her I was being treated different in 2009. Many people have looked the other way to cover the St. John's County Sheriff's Office and their corrupt ways and it is about time to end their rein on people and put integrity back in the police their. I have respect for the police elsewhere till this day. Currently, I have been drained of money and would make it difficult for me to travel to Florida for this trial and I still have to face the teens false charge of battery. The Judge. Christina I feel is not in the up and up and the trial should be put out of his hands and out of the county.

I would like for the people to show their moral support and other varied support that they can and get involved in my cases and contact the St. John's County Sheriff's Office and let them know you support me and demand that these charges be dropped and restore my ability to go that office without a no trespass, due to these charges. This would lead the way faster for me to get my legal and civil justice. I than you for your support in advance. JUSTICE FOR ALL - GLORIA SIMMONS.

My name is Gloria I. Simmons and it has taken me this long to found out that this is where I need to take my issues to, in order to receive justice. I am going to explain what has happened to me below:

I lived in my apartment in Ponte Vedra in Florida for over nine years; in which, I was forced to leave by false allegations brought on by neighbors and management/staff. Before the new manager took over, I received a nice letter of reference from the former manager of the apartment. Since 2009 however, things started to go down hill with my relationship with management and crew. In March 2013, I signed a new lease and informed the manager that I was looking for a new place. She did not like that I have not found a new place and signed another lease and told me I would be let go without penalty if I gave a 30 day notice. My lease would have gone to a 30 day notice anyway.

In March19, 13, I was slammed by the first accusation by a neighbor when the Deputy came to my door. He made statements as if I had done these accusations and would not give me information about my accuser and left out information completely on the report. After going to the police station. I found out my accuser was my next door neighbor who was in my house to help me move a stereo the that very weekend of the allegation. I was told she had no merit to her story and they would not arrest her or even talk to her about reporting a false incident. The police protected her and that was a dry run for other neighbors and management/staff to accuse me to get me evicted.

Why the police aided these people? One, the deputy. Todd Boger, who lives there, is also a security officer who works for the apartment complex. Second, in 2009, a deputy whom I called about a barking dog that the manager at the time refused to do anything about left out and manipulated the police report to aid the manager and I asked for an internal investigation. After someone from the sheriff's dept came to get me to change my mind, I did and told him I was wiling to forget about it and start over. That was the worse mistake in my life. Since then, the sheriff's dept have let management and neighbors say and do anything they wanted and gave them the protection to do just that. Eventually the allegations continued and became criminal in which, I was accused of shoving a teen in the complex. That never happened.

What did happen was the girl who I believe was one of many the apt manager got to harass me kept coming to my building  and areas I was in to harass me and on one occasion called someone  made a call on her cell telling this person on the other end to come at 7 p.m. to beat me up. My car has also been vandalized . I called the police after the girl smeared my car and they did not even want to look at my car or the bag of grapes that she left behind. They never put in the police report that she threated me or even mention her name. I was able to look at the police reports and can literally pick them apart and they stopped writing them even on my request. I pleaded with them to keep this girl from me and they refused and had a don't care attitude and took their time coming. I had to call them a total of three times on this girl and one of them was the day I was accused of battery on her. I did not know I was charged with battery, until the deputy, Lay came to answer the call when I called them because someone left a substance at my door when I left. I asked deputy Lay what ever happened to you talking to management and the girls parents like you said you would? That is when he told me I was charged with battery and I was floored because I never touched that girl and I never been in trouble with the law in my life. I believe this girl was put up to lying by the sheriff's dept and management who happened to be at the bbq area next to the mail box structure where my conversation with her took place. So, for 8 days I was walking around not knowing this fact. Deputy Lay when he came to my house that night only told me the girl's mother made a complaint. The words battery ,charged or criminal affidavit was never mentioned.

Eventually, I was served with a 7 day eviction notice by a maintenance man who also shoved me down the stairs after he took my chair, when I told him I was not done with it and I am back and forth due to lightning and rain and I asked for it back. He cited it was a safety hazard. After I called the police they charged him with battery and theft that they had no intention of keeping those charges because that would go against deputy. Bogers protection of being a security officer and keeping them from any wrong doing. After I was treated, I bought a camera that same evening and took pictures of chairs, tables and bikes next to peoples doors the very same thing he got after me for. That same eveing I took them to be developed. You would think he would have had time to take those other fire hazards away too or left it up to the security office Boger to serve the eviction notice and be present to have the chair removed. The sheriff's dept wanted to keep their nose clean on the surface and still perform their dirty work.

Upon the advise of a representative of that State Attorney's Office, a man named Joe Desisi, he told me to go over to the sheriff's office and file a criminal affidavit against the maintenance man. It took them nearly 45 minutes before I was able to talk to Deputy .Edenfield and Deputy. Jeremy Banks and another detective that I reckgonize  at the apartment when 4 detectives were seen coming from deputy Boger's apartment. My guess is that they as usual were covering his uniform. In short, they denied me my right to file this affidavit and I got upset and cursed after over 5 month of intense abuse by management and neighbors that the police have allowed to happen I was arrested . More than most by that time, would have done more than just curse and I believe cursing is what they were looking from me much sooner to arrest me. The used excessive force in doing so and injured my shoulder that at first they denied me to go to the hospital until the jail nurse would not accept me.

Upon booking, I told them of my medical and food allergies. The next day, I had bond set for $150.00 that the jail personnel kept me from making calls and or manipulated my efforts to make bail, since the money was already in my account. They didn't want nobody to know what they had and dong to me. I was in the jail for over 3 weeks until I had an inmate who was getting out call my family and another inmate, I was able to use her number to reach out. Even upon Judge Tillman Or Traner, I can't remember off hand, request for the jail to aid me in contacting someone to get my money out, they refused to accept the bag that had vital bank cards in it that my neighbor brought by, that the bail bondsmen was looking for.

During those 3 weeks, I lost 20 pounds because they kept serving me food that I was allergic to and did not eat it. I got weak and went to the infirmary and a guard told me he was going to press the taser button and keep pressing it because I was talking to two other inmates and told the nurse that I can't eat the food due to my allergies. Note, there was never a write up on this. To threatened to use such force an inmate must be doing more then just talking. He later told me if I can't read I should have said so. I was his guilt talking. Later, I was body slammed back into a wheelchair after I got up
from it waiting to see a nurse and laid down on an empty bench because I felt I was going to fall out of the wheelchair. He laughed afterwards along with most of the nurses, except one nurse who did treat me like a human being. I told her what happened and one of the head nurses told me since I was going to complain, I was going back up stairs and that is what happened. I did not get treatment and was very dehytraited.

I asked to speak to a clergy and was denied this too. They never told me I had a hearing on my eviction. They just got me near 8 a.m. and put the handcuffs and shackles on in my cell and lead me out . I was in the holding cell until almost 4p.m. and that is when I found out it was a hearing in Judge. Christine's chambers. By then, one leg I lost feeling in and the other hurt. I am a diabetic and the jail staff knew this .I was in those chains for about nine hours. I had no attorney, could not think, and I was not allowed to take my reading glasses to see the very small printed copy of the lease that the apt atty. provided. The judge did not provide for people with disabilities like in the act  and he knew I was not familiar with the terminology.Also please get the typed transcript on this hearing. If what I asked of you had not been destroyed or taken out, you will find that the manager liked to the judge when she told him someone else signed the lease. I was there and she is the one that signed it and made a note that I would not be penalized if I give a 30 day notice even though the lease was for another year. The only thing I could think of at this hearing was the fact that if apt staff was so in fear of their life, why would they continue to stay in front of my car. This is another accusation that I use my car to tap their cart.

I think it is about time that people look at the real picture here. Why after over 9 years in this apt complex would I just have these lease violations . Even in 2009, there was no crime committed, no threats made on both sides management and myself. The deputy that took part in my arrest, Jeremy Banks is also accused of killing his girlfriend. Joe Dessi admitted to cheating on the state attorney's  open book exam with his wife. On of the detectives I went to see about the police looking the other way, was disciplined for sexual harassment on a co worker. These people, are already tainted  and crooked as hell and they have the nerve to put me on trial for fighting for my rights and abuse me in doing so. I believe the two arresting deputies told jail personnel to abuse me there all because of the brotherhood system they have with each other. Well, that brotherhood system in St. Johns County needs to come to an end and all across  America. Let us go back to right is right and wrong is wrong.

I have some court dates coming up this month. One is a docket call on the 16th  and jury selection on the 21th I think. I would like to have all charges dropped and get on with my life. I have been changed forever and this didn't matter to the sheriff's dept when they took it upon themselves to violate my rights and treat a law abiding citizen in such a way, that I found it down right shameful  for the state attorney office to go ahead and prosecute me for something that could have been avoided  from ever becoming charges. The state needs to prosecute itself. I thank you for your time.

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